Death of Product Managers and Business Analysts?

M. Twain stampLe sigh!

This past Sunday, I had an interesting debate with a friend of my mine whom I’ll refer to as “Peter” in this article. Mainly because that is his real name.

Peter is the VP of R&D for a cloud-software company in southern California.

He told me (and I’m paraphrasing):

Product Managers and Business Analysts are dying roles, because with Agile/Scrum there is no need for these roles any more. Soon these roles will be eliminated from most of the software companies.”

This statement annoyed the heck out of me. Hence the sigh at the beginning of this post.

Peter and I had a lively (but short) debate, we had to cut it short because we both have day jobs – which seep into weekends! I told him I will make a couple of blog posts to explain my take on this.

So, here is the first one for you, Peter! As I explained in [Read more…]

Software for PM Frameworks like Pragmatic Marketing Framework ™

A question our team sometimes gets from our prospective customers is:

Can Accompa software help me implement Pragmatic Marketing Framework™?

I will provide the answer to this question in this blog post.

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What is MRD? Market Requirements Document

I’m making a quick post today to define the term MRD – Market Requirements Document. I’m often asked about it, now I can just point everyone to this blog post!

Definition of MRD: Market Requirements Document

MRD is a document that is usually written by a Product Marketing Manager or a Product Manager. This document defines the high-level market requirements for a product or project. (See Types of Software Requirements for a list of various types of requirements).

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Product Management Software for Mac

Happy Friday!

Just a quick post to answer the question we sometimes get from prospective customers:

Is your Product Management Software compatible with Mac?

As a Mac user myself, I’m happy answer this question in the affirmative. YES, our Accompa Product Management Software is 100% compatible with Mac! 🙂

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Product Management and Agile Development Process

Engineering teams at more and more companies are using some form of Agile development process. I’ve seen a lot of discussion on the internet on how Product Management (PM) teams can adapt to this Agile world.

PM teams at a lot of companies use our requirements software – so I also get questions from our customers about how best their product managers can work with their Agile development teams.

In this post, I’d like to share my evolving thoughts on this topic.

BTW – One of the questions that is often discussed on this topic is:

How can Product Management teams follow Agile process?

I believe this is the wrong question! I will explain why in this post too.

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